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│ │ 
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│ ├─云笈七签.一百二十二卷
│ │   云笈七签.卷01至40.总一百二十二卷.北宋.张君房辑.明万历时期张萱清真馆订刊本.pdf
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│ ├─十牛图颂
│ │   十牛图颂卷.南宋.廓庵禅师著.纸本彩绘.65500x3238像素.日本鎌仓时代.弘安元年.1278年.jpg
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│ ├─吕祖全书.总六十四卷
│ │   吕祖全书.卷01至卷33.总六十四卷.清.刘体恕辑.邵志琳增辑.清乾隆四十年武林王履阶刊本.pdf
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│ ├─地理大成.五集
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│ ├─大唐西域记.卷本
│ │ │ 大唐西域记.12卷.唐.玄奘著.12世纪绀纸金银交替书写.东京国立博物馆藏.pdf
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│ │ └─JPG
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│ │     
│ ├─天文大成管窥辑要
│ │   管窥辑要.卷01至13.总八十卷.清.黄鼎.辑.清顺治十年六安黃氏家刊本.pdf
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│ │   
│ ├─太上感应篇图说
│ │   太上感应篇图说.八册.清许缵曾辑.清乾隆时期云间许氏刊本.pdf
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│ ├─宗镜录
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│ ├─性命圭旨.多版本
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│ ├─推背图
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│ ├─敕修百丈清规
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│ ├─新刊地理紫囊书
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│ ├─汉满蒙藏四体合璧大藏全咒.同文韵统.阿礼嘎礼.读咒法
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│ ├─玉髓真经
│ │   玉髓真经.卷01至08.总三十卷.宋.张洞玄撰.刘允中注.蔡元定发挥.明嘉靖二十九年陈少岳刊本.pdf
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│ └─高上玉皇本行集经
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│   南华真经注疏解经.33卷.晋.郭象注.唐.成玄英疏.宫内厅书陵部藏.室町时期抄本.pdf
│   史记.集解.130卷.存卷79.范雎蔡泽列传苐十九.汉.司马迁.撰.刘宋.裴骃.注.日本镰仓时期钞卷轴本.pdf
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│   山海经.十八卷.郭璞注.蒋应镐绘图.明万历时期刊本.pdf
│   山海经.十八卷.郭璞注.蒋应镐绘图.明崇祯时期刊本.pdf
│   山海经.郭璞注.明万历二十八年闽格古斋刊本.pdf
│   山海经广注.十八卷.图五卷.清.吴任臣注.金阊书业堂藏板.清乾隆五十一年刊本.pdf
│   山海经笺疏.十八卷.附图赞.清郝懿行笺疏.清光绪时期还读楼刊本.pdf
│   山海经释义.十八卷.图一卷.郭璞注.王崇庆释义.明万历时期大业堂刻本.pdf
│ │ Photographic Snap Shots in China.byHarry Fowler Woods.September 1905.pdf
│ │ Photographs of Hong Kong.香港最早期照片集.By Thomson John.1868年.pdf
│ │ 一个博物学家在华西.A naturalist in western China.with vasculum camera and gun.照片插图.By E.H.Wilson.1913年.pdf
│ │ 中国与中国人影像.四卷.Illustrations of China and its people.By John Thomson.1874年.pdf
│ │ 中国之旅.俄国科学贸易考察团.Boiarskii.Adolf-Nikolay Erazmovich.摄影.1874-1875年.pdf
│ │ 中国人的性格.插图页部分.Chinese characteristics.By Arthur Henderson Smith.1894年版.pdf
│ │ 中国十八省府.Eighteen Capitals of China.By William Edgar Gei.插图照片.英文版.1911年.pdf
│ │ 中国戏曲与现代音乐.插图页.Theatre et musique modernes en Chine.By G.Soulie de Morant.1926年法文版.pdf
│ │ 中国景观.Views of China.两册.BY.莫理循.George Ernest Morrison.十九世纪末.pdf
│ │ 中国的建筑与景观.Baukunst und Landschaft in China.恩斯特.柏石曼.著BY Ernst Boerschmann.1926年.pdf
│ │ 中国长城.The great wall of China.By William Edgar Geil.照片插图.1909年.pdf
│ │ 中国风景画.Glimpses of China.A Series of Vandyck Photogravures Illustrating Chinese Life and Surroundings.BY Donald MENNIE.约1920年.pdf
│ │ 亚东印画辑.1-12.22-24辑.约2000张照片.1924-1944年.pdf
│ │ 伯恩斯的中国摄影集.By Jack Birns.美国生活杂志.1947至1949年.带英文书签.pdf
│ │ 克拉克考察队华北行纪历史照片.145幅.By Robert Sterling Clark.1908-1909年.pdf
│ │ 全满洲名胜写真帖.松村好文堂编.1937年.pdf
│ │ 凯瑟尔的中国摄影集.By Dmitri Kessel.美国生活杂志.约1940s至1956年.带英文书签.pdf
│ │ 北京名所.Photos of Peking.八册.美丽照相馆.约拍摄于1935年.pdf
│ │ 北京名胜.山本讃七郎1906年摄.1909年再版.pdf
│ │ 北京城内外胜景写真帖.两册.1898年.pdf
│ │ 北京城写真.小川一真.1901.pdf
│ │ 北京大学(燕京大学)老照片.2236幅.耶鲁大学神学图书馆藏.pdf
│ │ 北京孔庙祭孔仪式场景.二十五幅.普意雅旧藏.民国初期.中国国家图书馆藏.pdf
│ │ 北京景观.余晋龢题.张水淇序.北京特别市公署.民国29年再版.1940年.pdf
│ │ 北京景观.纪念扑克.The Forbidden City.Pekin & Chinese views.souvenir playing cards.1901年.pdf
│ │ 北京照相.In und um Peking.Wahrend der kriegswirren 1900-1901.BY.Wang.Marine-Stabsarzt Dr.德文版.1902年.pdf
│ │ 北京的社会调查.照片部分.Peking.a social survey conducted.By Sidney.D.Gamble.1921年.pdf
│ │ 北京相册.The most interesting views of Peking.120幅.1900-1920年.pdf
│ │ 北京美观.The Pageant of Peking.By Donald Mennie.唐纳德.曼尼.1920年.限量编号473.pdf
│ │ 北清事变写真帖.Views of the North China affair.58帧.山本诚阳编.1901年东京出版.pdf
│ │ 北清名胜.The views in North China.藤井彦五郎编.明治36年东京国光社出版.1903年.pdf
│ │ 北清大观.Views and Custom of North China.儿岛鹭麿著.1909年天津山本照相馆出版.pdf
│ │ 华西协和大学博物馆图录.West China Union University Museum photograph albums.四册.1934年.pdf
│ │ 哈尔滨傅家甸防疫撮影.Views of Harbin.Fuchiatien.taken during the plague epidemic.上海商务印书馆出版.1911年.pdf
│ │ 在华五十年.Half a Century in China.Recollections and Observations.By Arthur Evans Moule.插图照片.1911年.pdf
│ │ 天坛.Temple of Heaven.BY John D. ZUMBRUN.1914年.pdf
│ │ 威尔克斯的中国摄影集.By Jack Wilkes.美国生活杂志.1945-1946年.pdf
│ │ 安特生的远东相册.编号20628至23147.By Johan Gunnar Andersson.瑞典东亚博物馆藏.约1914年至1938年.pdf
│ │ 庄士敦的中国相册.Photograph album belonging to Sir Reginald Fleming Johnston.1919年以后.pdf
│ │ 张伯林的中国摄影集.Papers of T.C. Chamberlin.By Thomas C.Chamberlin.1909-1910年.pdf
│ │ 拉里贝的中国影像记录.415幅.By Firmin Laribe.1900-1910年.pdf
│ │ 支那事变写真帖.铃木贞吉编.昭和12年湖东会战编.1938年.pdf
│ │ 日军在中国东北虐杀民众惨状.1931-1932.pdf
│ │ 日寇暴行实录.民国27年国民党军事委员会政治部编.1938年.pdf
│ │ 日支事变写真帖.附录.东京白星社编.1931年.pdf
│ │ 日清战争写真图.A photographic-album of the Japan-China War.小川一真.编辑.1894-1895年.pdf
│ │ 日独战史写真帖.图版75幅.日本参谋本部编.大正三年版.1916年.pdf
│ │ 杜德维的相册.北京.福建.江浙沪.广州.By Edward Bangs Drew.1876-1895年.高清.pdf
│ │ 柏原英一的摄影集.七册.约1938至1942年.pdf
│ │ 格雷戈里的中国摄影集.Collection of photographs of China.By Stanley O.Gregory.1920至1930年.pdf
│ │ 梅荫华的二十世纪初中国影像.By Michel De Maynard.230幅.1906-1912年.pdf
│ │ 气球下的中国.La Chine A Terre Et En Ballon.41帧.中国最早的航拍.1902年出版.pdf
│ │ 清国胜景并风俗写真帖.四册.1906年之前.pdf
│ │ 满洲事变写真帖.南满州铁道株式会社编.1932年版.pdf
│ │ 满洲事变写真帖.特辑.昭和6年创造社出版.1931年.pdf
│ │ 满洲建国及上海大事变史.日出新闻社编.1932年.pdf
│ │ 燕京胜迹.Peking the beautiful.完整版.By Herbert C. White.上海商务印书馆.1927年出版.中国国家图书馆藏.pdf
│ │ 玲珑.杂志封面.1931年至1937年.哥伦比亚大学中文图书馆藏.pdf
│ │ 穆默的摄影日记.Ein Tagebuch Bildern.德.Alfons von Mumm著.1902年.pdf
│ │ 考夫曼的中国摄影集.By Mark Kauffman.美国生活杂志.1945-1949年.pdf
│ │ 莫理循照片集.广东.香港.澳门.福建等地.两册.BY.George Ernest Morrison.十九世纪末.pdf
│ │ 西湖风景.48幅.杭州二我轩照相馆摄.1911年.pdf
│ │ 谢阁兰的中国考古摄影集.BY Victor Segalen.1909.1914.1917年.pdf
│ │ 费利斯·比托中国影像集.By Felice Beato.书签注释.约拍摄于1860至1871年.pdf
│ │ 跨越长江流域.The Yangtze Valley and Beyond.By Isabella Bird.插图照片.1899年.pdf
│ │ 迈登斯二战中国摄影集.By Carl Mydans.美国生活杂志.1940-1949年.pdf
│ │ 醇亲王奕譞及其府邸.60幅.清末.天津梁时泰照相馆.pdf
│ │ 金陵胜观.杉江房造编.1910年上海虹口日本堂书店发行.pdf
│ │ 雷尼诺恩的北京影像集.154帧.BY C.E.Lemunyon.约1910年.pdf
│ │ 
│ ├─Rev. Claude L. Pickens. Jr.中国摄影集
│ │   Rev. Claude L. Pickens. Jr.'s trip to northwest China.pdf
│ │   Rev. Claude L. Pickens.Jr. collection on Muslims in China.1858-1984.pdf
│ │   
│ ├─二战图片史.Pictorial history of World War II
│ │   二战图片史.Pictorial history of World War II.卷一.欧洲战场.The war in Europe.英文版.1951年.pdf
│ │   二战图片史.Pictorial history of World War II.卷二.太平洋战场.The war in the Pacific.英文版.1951年.pdf
│ │   
│ ├─亚细亚大观.总16辑
│ │   亚细亚大观.第13至16辑.总16辑.亚细亚写真大观社编.1936-1940年.pdf
│ │   亚细亚大观.第1至4辑.总16辑.亚细亚写真大观社编.1924-1928年.pdf
│ │   亚细亚大观.第5至8辑.总16辑.亚细亚写真大观社编.1928-1932年.pdf
│ │   亚细亚大观.第9至12辑.总16辑.亚细亚写真大观社编.1932-1936年.pdf
│ │   地狱佛相冥府十王像.金州天斋庙.八木奘三郎著.大连亚细亚写真大观社.1926年.pdf
│ │   
│ ├─京张路工撮影
│ │   京张路工撮影.上卷.上海同生照相馆摄影.1909年发行.pdf
│ │   京张路工撮影.下卷.上海同生照相馆摄影.1909年发行.pdf
│ │   
│ ├─北支.摄影杂志.1939年-1943年
│ │   北支.摄影杂志.1939年6月.创刊号-12月.pdf
│ │   北支.摄影杂志.1940年1月-12月.pdf
│ │   北支.摄影杂志.1941年1月-12月.pdf
│ │   北支.摄影杂志.1942年1月-12月.pdf
│ │   北支.摄影杂志.1943年1月-8月.pdf
│ │   
│ ├─哈里森.福尔曼的中国摄影集
│ │ ├─Harrison Forman Collection-China
│ │ │ │ 哈里森.福尔曼的中国摄影集.Harrison Forman Collection-China.01.第一辑.BY Harrison Forman.1932-1944年.普清.pdf
│ │ │ │ 哈里森.福尔曼的中国摄影集.Harrison Forman Collection-China.02.第二辑.BY Harrison Forman.1944-1973年.普清.pdf
│ │ │ │ 哈里森.福尔曼的中国摄影集.Harrison Forman Collection-China.03.第三辑.BY Harrison Forman.1932-1959年.普清.pdf
│ │ │ │ 
│ │ │ ├─高清JPG.01.第一辑.3000幅
│ │ │ │   photo1-(1932) Shanghai (China), proclamation from the Shanghai Municipal Council.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo10-(1933 or 1934) China, barber shaving a man out of doors.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo100-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), Zhongshan Bridge on the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1000-(1937) Shanghai (China), sign written possibly by Jewish Company of Shanghai Volunteer Corps.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1001-(1937) Shanghai (China), crew on Dollar Steamship Company ship.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1002-(1937) Shanghai (China), French Marine Nationale sailors.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1003-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel helping child through gate.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1004-(1937) Shanghai (China), Shanghai Volunteer Corps guarding Waibaidu Bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1005-(1937) Shanghai (China), soldiers driving motorcycle and sidecar toward Waibaidu Bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1006-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricades in front of Cathay Hotel.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1007-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1008-(1937) Shanghai (China), Shanghai Volunteer Corps guards.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1009-(1937) Shanghai (China), people fleeing city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo101-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheel on bank of Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1010-(1937) Shanghai (China), Cathay Hotel.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1011-(1937) Shanghai (China), people on deck of Dollar Steamship Company ship.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1012-(1937) Shanghai (China), people loaded on truck.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1013-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel helping child through gate.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1014-(1937) Shanghai (China), men fastening covered stretcher to a gurney.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1015-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricades in front of Cathay Hotel.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1016-(1937) Shanghai (China), soldiers in motorcycle and sidecar on deserted street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1017-(1937) Shanghai (China), guards and barricades in front of Cathay Hotel.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1018-(1937) Shanghai (China), people standing near covered gurney.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1019-(1937) Shanghai (China), people walking on sidewalk by hair salon.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo102-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), portrait of boys sitting on an inflatable sheepskin raft.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1020-(1937) Shanghai (China), French Marine Nationale sailor.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1021-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel helping child through gate.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1022-(1937) Shanghai (China), woman and child in front of barricaded building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1023-(1937) Shanghai (China), French Marine Nationale sailor.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1024-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricaded bridge across from Post Office.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1025-(1937) Shanghai (China), people riding in camouflaged first aid vehicle.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1026-(1937) Shanghai (China), war damaged building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1027-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel loading refugees in truck.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1028-(1937) Shanghai (China), war damaged building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1029-(1937) Shanghai (China), view of dead body floating in river.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo103-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), men making inflatable sheepskin rafts.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1030-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricades blocking bomb crater.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1031-(1937) Shanghai (China), camouflaged first aid vehicle.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1032-(1937) Shanghai (China), war damaged buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1033-(1937) Shanghai (China), war damaged area.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1034-(1937) Shanghai (China), damaged car on street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1035-(1937) Shanghai (China), buildings burning in distance.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1036-(1937) Shanghai (China), building in the British controlled area, the Bund.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1037-(1937) Shanghai (China), sandbag bunker in business district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1038-(1937) Shanghai (China), buildings on fire.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1039-(1937) Shanghai (China), war damaged area.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo104-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), boy holding a sheepskin for an inflatable raft.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1040-(1937) Shanghai (China), people looking at damaged car on street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1041-(1937) Shanghai (China), view of dead body floating in river.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1042-(1937) Shanghai (China), war damaged buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1043-(1937) Shanghai (China), building in the British controlled area, the Bund.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1044-(1937) Shanghai (China), sandbag bunker in business district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1045-(1937) Shanghai (China), barbed wire barricading shopping district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1046-(1937) Shanghai (China), fire fighters putting out fire.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1047-(1937) Shanghai (China), damaged car on street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1048-(1937) Shanghai (China), refugee woman and child.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1049-(1937) Shanghai (China), burned human remains.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo105-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), men preparing sheepskin for inflatable rafts.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1050-(1937) Shanghai (China), Cathay Hotel.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1051-(1937) Shanghai (China), war damaged building and truck.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1052-(1937) Shanghai (China), damaged car on street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1053-(1937) Shanghai (China), buildings burning in distance.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1054-(1937) Shanghai (China), burning buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1055-(1937) Shanghai (China), war damaged building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1056-(1937) Shanghai (China), people looking at remains of damaged car on street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1057-(1937) Shanghai (China), people in sampan.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1058-(1937) Shanghai (China), street scene in the British controlled area, the Bund.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1059-(1937) Shanghai (China), men eating in dining hall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo106-(1933 or 1934) Gansu province (China), men filling buckets with water.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1060-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel loading refugees in truck.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1061-(1937) Shanghai (China), fire fighters putting out fire.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1062-(1937) Shanghai (China), fire fighters putting out fire.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1063-(1937) Shanghai (China), soldier standing in above-ground bunker.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1064-(1937) Shanghai (China), woman boarding truck with belongings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1065-(1937) Shanghai (China), man holding first aid flag out of vehicle's window.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1066-(1937) Shanghai (China), cart and furniture.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1067-(1937) Shanghai (China), people crossing Waibaidu Bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1068-(1937) Shanghai (China), burned human remains.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1069-(1937) Shanghai (China), people crossing Waibaidu Bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo107-(1933 or 1934) Gansu province (China), man carrying basket.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1070-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel looking at rifles.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1071-(1937) Shanghai (China), man holding piece of bamboo.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1072-(1937) Shanghai (China), United States Marines building fortification.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1073-(1937) Shanghai (China), people standing among bamboo plants.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1074-(1937) Shanghai (China), man steering sampan.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1075-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricaded buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1076-(1937) Shanghai (China), destruction to road, possibly by bomb.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1077-(1937) Shanghai (China), people crossing Waibaidu Bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1078-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel marching in street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1079-(1937) Shanghai (China), woman and dog crossing Waibaidu Bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo108-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), sheepskin hides used for inflatable rafts.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1080-(1937) Shanghai (China), ships docked at pier.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1081-(1937) Shanghai (China), United States Marines building fortification.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1082-(1937) Shanghai (China), car and men in field of bamboo.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1083-(1937) Shanghai (China), people tending to war victim.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1084-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricaded buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1085-(1937) Shanghai (China), metal pieces possibly from a bomber airplane.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1086-(1937) Shanghai (China), Japanese guards search car on Waibaidu Bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1087-(1937) Shanghai (China), busy street with stores and businesses.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1088-(1937) Shanghai (China), people crossing barricaded bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1089-(1937) Shanghai (China), people sleeping on sidewalk in front of store.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo109-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), portrait of a boy with inflated sheepskin rafts.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1090-(1937) Shanghai (China), American flag flying on top of unidentified building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1091-(1937) Shanghai (China), Japanese guards search car on Waibaidu Bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1092-(1937) Shanghai (China), people sleeping on sidewalk in front of store.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1093-(1937) Shanghai (China), United States Marines building fortification.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1094-(1937) Shanghai (China), burning buildings along waterfront.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1095-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricaded building with barbed wire.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1096-(1937) Shanghai (China), Japanese guards overlooking Suzhou Creek from Waibaidu Bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1097-(1937) Shanghai (China), National Revolutionary Army general.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1098-(1937) Shanghai (China), United States Marines gathering outside building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1099-(1937) Shanghai (China), street scene with officials and damaged vehicle.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo11-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo110-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), portrait of a boy with inflated sheepskin rafts.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1100-(1937) Shanghai (China), Japanese guards search car on Waibaidu Bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1101-(1937) Shanghai (China), wounded man showing display of metal pieces.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1102-(1937) Shanghai (China), Japanese soldier guards Star Motion Picture Company.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1103-(1937) Shanghai (China), heavily barricaded road.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1104-(1937) Shanghai (China), United States Marines building fortification.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1105-(1937) Shanghai (China), National Revolutionary Army general.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1106-(1937) Shanghai (China), burning buildings along waterfront.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1107-(1937) Shanghai (China), men working on fortification and gun turret.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1108-(1937) Shanghai (China), boat with passengers.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1109-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricades.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo111-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), portrait of a boy with an inflated sheepskin raft.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1110-(1937) Shanghai (China), busy street with stores and businesses.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1111-(1937) Shanghai (China), Shanghai Volunteer Corps.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1112-(1937) Shanghai (China), men working on fortification and gun turret.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1113-(1937) Shanghai (China), men working on fortification and gun turret.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1114-(1937) Shanghai (China), barbed wire barricades in commercial street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1115-(1937) Shanghai (China), Sikh policeman on horseback.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1116-(1937) Shanghai (China), Capitol Theater building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1117-(1937) Shanghai (China), sailors and naval officers looking at deck of U.S.S. Augusta.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1118-(1937) Shanghai (China), spinning machine.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1119-(1937) Shanghai (China), sandbag bunker in business district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo112-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), portrait of a man with an inflated sheepskin raft.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1120-(1937) Shanghai (China), man posing with sword and bayonet.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1121-(1937) Shanghai (China), sailors looking at warship.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1122-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricade in front of Asiatic Petroleum Company.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1123-(1937) Shanghai (China), man posing with sword and bayonet.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1124-(1937) Shanghai (China), sandbag bunker in business district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1125-(1937) Shanghai (China), man working with spinning machine.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1126-(1937) Shanghai (China), men working on bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1127-(1937) Shanghai (China), men working on fortification and gun turret.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1128-(1937) Shanghai (China), men working on bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1129-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricaded hotel and street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo113-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), portrait of a man with an inflated sheepskin raft.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1130-(1937) Shanghai (China), Sikh policeman.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1131-(1937) Shanghai (China), work site.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1132-(1937) Shanghai (China), barbed wire barricade.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1133-(1937) Shanghai (China), unidentified man.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1134-(1937) Shanghai (China), Shanghai Volunteer Corps member.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1135-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricaded stores and street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1136-(1937) Shanghai (China), guard standing behind barricade.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1137-(1937) Shanghai (China), bombed buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1138-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricaded store.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1139-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricaded bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo114-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), men using sheepskin rafts on the shore of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1140-(1937) shanghai (China), shopping area.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1141-(1937) Shanghai (China), Sikh policeman on horseback.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1142-(1937) Shanghai (China), soldiers positioned behind barricade.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1143-(1937) Shanghai (China), busy street with stores and businesses.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1144-(1937) Shanghai (China), car with metal reinforcement on roof.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1145-(1937) Shanghai (China), automobiles being driven on road.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1146-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricaded bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1147-(1937) Shanghai (China), man displaying pieces of bamboo.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1148-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several images of couples dancing.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1149-(1937) Shanghai (China), people in business district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo115-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), sheepskin rafts on the shore of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1150-(1937) Shanghai (China), car parked in street near pier.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1151-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of pier with boats and warships on river.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1152-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several aerial views of city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1153-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several aerial views of city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1154-(1937) Shanghai (China), automobiles being driven on road.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1155-(1937) Shanghai (China), view of ships from pier.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1156-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several aerial views of city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1157-(1937) Shanghai (China), U.S. Navy sailor and woman.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1158-(1937) Shanghai (China), two girls with sampans.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1159-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several images of U.S. Navy sailors and women.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo116-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), boys standing near sheepskin rafts on the shore of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1160-(1937) Shanghai (China), man and boys sitting in rickshaw.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1161-(1937) Shanghai (China), barbed wire on pier.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1162-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of truck driving over barricaded bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1163-(1937) Shanghai (China), smoke from bombed buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1164-(1937) Shanghai (China), Harrison Forman in fox hole with soldiers.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1165-(1937) Shanghai (China), men with cart of cut wood.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1166-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several images of U.S. Navy sailors and women.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1167-(1937) Shanghai (China), man eating.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1168-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several images of couples dancing.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1169-(1937) Shanghai (China), laborers building brick wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo117-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), men inflating an oxskin.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1170-(1937) Shanghai (China), barbed wire barricade on Route de Zikawei.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1171-(1937) Shanghai (China), sandbag barricade in front of billboard.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1172-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several images of couple dancing.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1173-(1937) Shanghai (China), food items in basket.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1174-(1937) Shanghai (China), street with stores and restaurants.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1175-(1937) Shanghai (China), coffins lined up alongside of road.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1176-(1937) Shanghai (China), barbed wire barricade.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1177-(1937) Shanghai (China), Sikh policeman on horseback.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1178-(1937) Shanghai (China), waterfront.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1179-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several aerial views of city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo118-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), part of water wheel.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1180-(1937) Shanghai (China), smoke from bombed buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1181-(1937) Shanghai (China), soldiers behind sand bag barricade.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1182-(1937) Shanghai (China), building brick wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1183-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricades in business district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1184-(1937) Shanghai (China), man trimming bamboo stalks.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1185-(1937) Shanghai (China), evacuees gathered in entrance of building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1186-(1937) Shanghai (China), building brick wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1187-(1937) Shanghai (China), Shanghai Volunteer Corp guarding police station.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1188-(1937) Shanghai (China), people in sampans at dock.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1189-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several images of couples dancing.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo119-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), men standing among water wheels.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1190-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several aerial views of city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1191-(1937) Shanghai (China), smoke from bombed buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1192-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of trucks driving over barricaded bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1193-(1937) shanghai (China), shopping area.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1194-(1937) Shanghai (China), man and boys sitting in rickshaw.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1195-(1937) Shanghai (China), military officers standing outside bar.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1196-(1937) Shanghai (China), U.S. Navy sailor talking with another man in bar.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1197-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several aerial views of city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1198-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several images of U.S. Navy sailors and women.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1199-(1937) Shanghai (China), Western women sitting near barbed wire barricade.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo12-(1933 or 1934) China, barber shaving a man out of doors.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo120-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1200-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several aerial views of city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1201-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several images of U.S. Navy sailors in bar.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1202-(1937) Shanghai (China), U.S. Navy sailor and woman.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1203-(1937) Shanghai (China), man and children sitting in rickshaw.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1204-(1937) Shanghai (China), view of the area known as Blood Alley.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1205-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel guarding bombed street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1206-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several images of U.S. Navy sailors in bar.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1207-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of people in street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1208-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel guarding bombed street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1209-(1937) Shanghai (China), smoke rising above city from bombings by Japanese.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo121-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), men inflating an oxskin.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1210-(1937) Shanghai (China), armored car on barricaded street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1211-(1937) Shanghai (China), Western people sitting near barbed wire barricade.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1212-(1937) Shanghai (China), portrait of girl.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1213-(1937) Shanghai (China), American flag on building on Szechuen Road.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1214-(1937) Shanghai (China), man looking at air raid proclamation poster.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1215-(1937) Shanghai (China), Harrison Forman with military personnel and armored car.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1216-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel guarding bombed street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1217-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several aerial views of city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1218-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several images of U.S. Navy sailors and women.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1219-(1937) Shanghai (China), U.S. Navy sailor and woman with Buddha statue.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo122-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1220-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of barricaded streets.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1221-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel guarding bombed street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1222-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel pose in front of armored car.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1223-(1937) Shanghai (China), refugees trying to flee city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1224-(1937) Shanghai (China), sandbagged entrance to building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1225-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several images of U.S. Navy sailors and women.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1226-(1937) Shanghai (China), one of several aerial views of city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1227-(1937) Shanghai (China), pier with American flags and warship.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1228-(1937) Shanghai (China), U.S. Navy sailor talking with another man in bar.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1229-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel guarding bombed street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo123-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), sheepskin rafts on the shore of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1230-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of barricaded streets.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1231-(1937) Shanghai (China), laborers standing on wooden structure.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1232-(1937) Shanghai (China), people watching bombed building on fire.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1233-(1937) Shanghai (China), pile drivers used to build walls.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1234-(1937) Shanghai (China), Sikh policeman on horseback.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1235-(1937) Shanghai (China), person cleaning pieces of bamboo.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1236-(1937) Shanghai (China), burning paper offerings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1237-(1937) Shanghai (China), bomb damage to buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1238-(1937) Shanghai (China), portrait of man in uniform.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1239-(1937) Shanghai (China), soldier with machine gun in bunker.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo124-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), portrait of man.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1240-(1937) Shanghai (China), burning incense.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1241-(1937) Shanghai (China), vendors selling their goods.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1242-(1937) Shanghai (China), sampans.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1243-(1937) Shanghai (China), children standing in front of rack of dried fish.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1244-(1937) Shanghai (China), children standing in front of rack of dried fish.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1245-(1937) Shanghai (China), sandbagged entrance to North China Daily News building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1246-(1937) Shanghai (China), site of celebration in honor of the coronation of King George VI.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1247-(1937) Shanghai (China), boy standing near dried fish hanging from pole.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1248-(1937) Shanghai (China), bomb damage to building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1249-(1937) Shanghai (China), vendors selling their goods.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo125-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), sheepskin raft on the shore of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1250-(1937) Shanghai (China), sandbagged window of building to protect against bomb blasts.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1251-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of military convoy driving through city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1252-(1937) Shanghai (China), military personnel behind sandbag bunker.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1253-(1937) Shanghai (China), burning incense.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1254-(1937) Shanghai (China), people at riverfront with baskets and bundles of goods.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1255-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of military convoy driving through city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1256-(1937) Shanghai (China), sandbagged entrance to North China Daily News building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1257-(1937 or 1938) China, portrait of a woman with bound feet sitting on a wooden sawhorse.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1258-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of city and smoke.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1259-(1937) Shanghai (China), flags atop the Park Hotel.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo126-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), wood frame for a sheepskin raft.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1260-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of city and smoke.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1261-(1937 or 1938) China, portrait of a woman with bound feet.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1262-(1937) Shanghai (China), sandbagged entrance and windows to Chartered Bank.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1263-(1937) Shanghai (China), site of celebration in honor of the coronation of King George VI.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1264-(1937) Shanghai (China), paper decorations.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1265-(1937) Shanghai (China), children in sampan on riverfront.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1266-(1937) Shanghai (China), soldier with machine gun in bunker.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1267-(1937) Shanghai (China), people carrying paper decorations in business district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1268-(1937) Shanghai (China), sampans on river.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1269-(1937) Shanghai (China), people carrying paper decorations in business district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo127-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), men with inflated oxskin and sheepskin rafts on the shore of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1270-(1937) Shanghai (China), barbed wire barricades alongside building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1271-(1937) Shanghai (China), portrait of girls.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1272-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of barricaded street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1273-(1937) Shanghai (China), wood boxes, possibly coffins.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1274-(1937) Shanghai (China), men using boards to move machinery.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1275-(1937) Shanghai (China), children standing in front of drying fish.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1276-(1937) Shanghai (China), crowd watching activity on street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1277-(1937) Shanghai (China), street vendors selling food.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1278-(1937) Shanghai (China), Harrison Forman in front of North China Daily News building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1279-(1937) Shanghai (China), advertisement for U.B. Beer.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo128-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), men preparing inflated oxskin for rafts.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1280-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of street and buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1281-(1937) Shanghai (China), ships on river.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1282-(1937) Shanghai (China), Goddess of Peace, World War I monument.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1283-(1937) Shaanxi province (China), Chinese Red Army soldiers playing croquet.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1284-(1937) Shanghai (China), people carrying paper decorations in business district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1285-(1937) Shanghai (China), sampans on waterfront.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1286-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of street and buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1287-(1937) Shanghai (China), boy eating with chopsticks from bowl.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1288-(1937) Shanghai (China), men using boards to move machinery.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1289-(1937) Shanghai (China), portrait of girl.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo129-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1290-(1937) Shanghai (China), portrait of girls.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1291-(1937) Shanghai (China), laborers pulling ropes from pile driver.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1292-(1937) Shanghai (China), billboard advertisement for tea store.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1293-(1937) Shanghai (China), Sikh policeman.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1294-(1937) Shanghai (China), sign for Shanghai Club.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1295-(1937) Shanghai (China), Sikh men.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1296-(1937) Shanghai (China), pile driver being used to build wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1297-(1937) Shanghai (China), Gutzlaff Signal Tower.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1298-(1937) Shanghai (China), building in business district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1299-(1937) Shanghai (China), Consulate General of France.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo13-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), men using skin rafts on the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo130-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1300-(1937) Shanghai (China), street scene in poverty stricken area.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1301-(1937) Shanghai (China), portrait of girl.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1302-(1937) China, building lobby.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1303-(1937) China, bedroom.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1304-(1937) Shanghai (China), pile driver being used to build wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1305-(1937) Shanghai (China), sampans on waterfront.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1306-(1937) Shanghai (China), pile driver being used to build wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1307-(1937) Shanghai (China), laborers building brick wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1308-(1937) Shanghai (China), people swimming with ship and warship in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1309-(1937) Shanghai (China), man standing in entrance of Chartered Bank.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo131-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1310-(1937) Shanghai (China), barbed wire fencing next to brick wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1311-(1937) Shanghai (China), people and sampans.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1312-(1937) Shanghai (China), brick structure in field.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1313-(1937) Shanghai (China), laborers using ropes to lift weight from pile driver.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1314-(1937) Shanghai (China), passenger ships at dock.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1315-(1937) China, building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1316-(1937) Shanghai (China), sampans with ship and warship in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1317-(1937) Shanghai (China), shelter built next to barbed wire fencing.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1318-(1937) Shanghai (China), portrait of girl.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1319-(1937) Shanghai (China), sampans on river.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo132-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1320-(1937) Shanghai (China), portrait of girls.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1321-(1937) Shaanxi province (China), Chinese Red Army soldiers on maneuvers.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1322-(1937) Shanghai (China), men rowing in sampan.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1323-(1937) Shanghai (China), sampans on Suzhou Creek.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1324-(1937) Shanghai (China), structure made of hay in field.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1325-(1937) Shanghai (China), laborers building brick wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1326-(1937) Shanghai (China), Rosalie Moller cargo ship.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1327-(1937) China, building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1328-(1937) Shanghai (China), laborers using ropes to lift weight from pile driver.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1329-(1937) Shanghai (China), billboard advertisement for beauty products.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo133-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1330-(1937) Shanghai (China), pile driver being used to build wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1331-(1937) Shanghai (China), laborers working on British passenger ship S.S. Shuntien.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1332-(1937) Shanghai (China), laborer building brick wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1333-(1937) Shanghai (China), close-up detail of British passenger ship S.S. Shuntien.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1334-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of French Concession.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1335-(1937) Shanghai (China), man helping another man up hill.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1336-(1937) Shanghai (China), wooden cart.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1337-(1937) Shanghai (China), refugees fleeing city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1338-(1937) Shanghai (China), child running on gangplank.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1339-(1937) Shanghai (China), close-up detail of British passenger ship S.S. Shuntien.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo134-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1340-(1937) Shanghai (China), people looking at passengers ship at dock.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1341-(1937) Shanghai (China), refugees fleeing city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1342-(1937) Shanghai (China), sandbags in front of Hengshan Picardie Hotel.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1343-(1937) Shanghai (China), man with bucket watering crops.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1344-(1937) Shanghai (China), children on sampan with ship and warship in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1345-(1937) Shanghai (China), people on sampans with ship in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1346-(1937) China, stele.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1347-(1937) Shanghai (China), children playing among sandbags.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1348-(1937) Shanghai (China), refugees fleeing city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1349-(1937) Shanghai (China), men carrying load on gangplank.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo135-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheel on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1350-(1937) Shanghai (China), aerial view of empty lot surrounded by buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1351-(1937) Shanghai (China), Western couple walking on path.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1352-(1937) Shanghai (China), people on sampans with ship in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1353-(1937) Shanghai (China), men with carts.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1354-(1937) Shanghai (China), child swimming between sampans.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1355-(1937) Shanghai (China), man with cart.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1356-(1937) Shanghai (China), children playing among sandbags.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1357-(1937) Shanghai (China), refugees fleeing city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1358-(1937) Shanghai (China), close-up detail of British passenger ship S.S. Shuntien.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1359-(1937) Shanghai (China), armored cars in front of police station.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo136-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1360-(1937) Shanghai (China), laborers building brick wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1361-(1937) Shanghai (China), man walking on gangplank.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1362-(1937-05) Shanghai (China), site of celebration in honor of the coronation of King George VI.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1363-(1937-05) Shanghai (China), celebration in honor of the coronation of King George VI.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1364-(1937-05) Shanghai (China), celebration in honor of the coronation of King George VI.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1365-(1937-05) Shanghai (China), Shanghai Race Course.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1366-(1937-05) Shanghai (China), celebration in honor of the coronation of King George VI.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1367-(1937-05) Shanghai (China), celebration in honor of the coronation of King George VI.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1368-(1937-05) Shanghai (China), celebration in honor of the coronation of King George VI.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1369-(1937-05) Shanghai (China), celebration in honor of the coronation of King George VI.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo137-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1370-(1937-05) Shanghai (China), Shanghai Race Course.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1371-(1937-05) Shanghai (China), celebration in honor of the coronation of King George VI.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1372-(1937-05) Shanghai (China), site of celebration in honor of the coronation of King George VI.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1373-(1937-08) Shanghai (China), sailors inspecting damaged deck of U.S.S. Augusta.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1374-(1937-08) Shanghai (China), wounded sailors inspecting deck of U.S.S. Augusta.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1375-(1937-08) Shanghai (China), wounded sailor and others aboard U.S.S. Augusta.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1376-(1937-08) Shanghai (China), wounded sailor and others inspecting deck of U.S.S. Augusta.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1377-(1937-08) Shanghai (China), wounded sailor on deck of U.S.S. Augusta.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1378-(1937-08) Shanghai (China), wounded sailor and others inspecting damage on deck of U.S.S. Augusta.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1379-(1937-08) Shanghai (China), wounded sailors on deck of U.S.S. Augusta.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo138-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1380-(1937-08) Shanghai (China), sailor showing his wounds to officer on deck of U.S.S. Augusta.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1381-(1937-08) Shanghai (China), wounded sailors on deck of U.S.S. Augusta.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1382-(1938) Kobe (Japan), junks on waterfront.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1383-(1938) Kobe (Japan), junk with waterfront buildings in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1384-(1938) Kobe (Japan), junks on waterfront.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1385-(1938) Kobe (Japan), junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1386-(1938) Kobe (Japan), junks on waterfront.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1387-(1938) Kobe (Japan), sign for drug store in English.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1388-(1938) Kobe (Japan), three wheeled vehicle.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1389-(1938) Kobe (Japan), young girls behind three wheeled vehicle.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo139-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), water wheels on the bank of the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1390-(1938) Kobe (Japan), building designed to look like ship.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1391-(1938) Kobe (Japan), woman in traditional Japanese clothing passing three wheeled vehicle.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1392-(1938) Shanghai (China), view of Development Building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1393-(1938) Shanghai (China), people sleeping.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1394-(1938) Shanghai (China), United States Marines and other people in front of office building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1395-(1938) Shanghai (China), United States Marines gathered in front of barricade.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1396-(1938) Shanghai (China), commercial district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1397-(1938) Shanghai (China), Harrison Forman filming movie in street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1398-(1938) Shanghai (China), United States Marines setting up barricade.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1399-(1938) Shanghai (China), Harrison Forman filming movie in street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo14-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), men using skin rafts on the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo140-(1933 or 1934) Sian (China), villagers worshipping in a Confucian temple.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1400-(1938) Shanghai (China), United States Marines.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1401-(1938) Shanghai (China), boarded up store window.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1402-(1938) Shanghai (China), United States Marines.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1403-(1938) Shanghai (China), barricade on bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1404-(1938) Shanghai (China), American book shop with boarded windows.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1405-(1938) Shanghai (China), Bank of East Asia.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1406-(1938) Shanghai (China), wounded people riding in truck.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1407-(1938) Shanghai (China), Harrison Forman filming movie in street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1408-(1938) Kobe (Japan), building designed to look like ship.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1409-(1938) Shanghai (China), truck driving over barricaded bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo141-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), White Pagoda Temple.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1410-(1938) Shanghai (China), camouflaged truck.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1411-(1938) Shanghai (China), truck driving over barricaded bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1412-(1938) Shanghai (China), barricaded bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1413-(1938) Shanghai (China), truck carrying people, one wounded.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1414-(1938) Shanghai (China), truck carrying people, one wounded.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1415-(1938) Shanghai (China), truck stopped at barricaded bridge.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1416-(1938) Shanghai (China), people and cars in front of barricade.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1417-(1938) Shanghai (China), people watching car outside barricade.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1418-(1938) China, aerial view of city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1419-(1938) China, aerial view of farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo142-(1933 or 1934) Sian (China), Confucius statue in village temple.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1420-(1938) China, aerial view of farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1421-(1938) China, French Roman Catholic missionaries.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1422-(1938) China, aerial view of village.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1423-(1938) China, aerial view of flooded village.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1424-(1938) China, city gate.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1425-(1938) China, man sitting on rickshaw.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1426-(1938) Shanghai (China), distribution of firearms to police officers.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1427-(1938) Shanghai (China), police force.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1428-(1938) Shanghai (China), police force gathered behind truck.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1429-(1938) Shanghai (China), men distributing firearms to police officers.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo143-(1937) Shanghai (China), people on sampan with ship and warship in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1430-(1938) Shanghai (China), arial view of Bubbling Well Road and the Shanghai Race Course building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1431-(1938) Shanghai (China), aerial view of United States Marines marching in street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1432-(1938) Shanghai (China), aerial view of rickshaws and automobiles on street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1433-(1938) Shanghai (China), close up of officer holding pistol.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1434-(1938) Shanghai (China), one of several images of Broadway Mansions building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1435-(1938) Shanghai (China), aerial view of the Shanghai Race Course and Grand Theatre.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1436-(1938) China, aerial view of village and farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1437-(1938) Shanghai (China), aerial view of United States Marines marching in street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1438-(1938) Shanghai (China), flags flying on dock.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1439-(1938) China, aerial view of village and farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo144-(1937) Shanghai (China), man watering crops.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1440-(1938) Shanghai (China), Customs House in the Bund.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1441-(1938) Shanghai (China), warship and boats on river.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1442-(1938) China, aerial view of village and farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1443-(1938) China, aerial view of village and farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1444-(1938) Shanghai (China), aerial view of Shanghai Race Course and Grand Theatre.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1445-(1938) China, aerial view of villages and farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1446-(1938) China, aerial view of villages and farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1447-(1938) China, aerial view of villages and farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1448-(1938) China, Harrison Forman and Taoist priest.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1449-(1938) China, Taoist priest.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo145-(1937) Shanghai (China), barricaded street showing bomb damage.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1450-(1938) China, men and boys digging ditches.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1451-(1938) China, laborers using cart on dirt road.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1452-(1938) China, Harrison Forman and Taoist priest.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1453-(1938) China, Harrison Forman with unidentified Chinese men.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1454-(1938) China, river and farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1455-(1938) China, Forman's interpreter and Taoist priest.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1456-(1938) China, man standing near Do Not Enter sign posted on building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1457-(1938) China, rickshaws parked on street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1458-(1938) China, city gate and library building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1459-(1938) China, banner hanging above street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo146-(1937) Shanghai (China), stores showing damage on Range Road.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1460-(1938) China, street scene with city gate.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1461-(1938) China, sign on city gate.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1462-(1938) China, view of road sandbagged to protect from flood.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1463-(1938) China, men with children in front of Japanese restaurant.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1464-(1938) China, sign on damaged bus.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1465-(1938) China, street scene with city gate in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1466-(1938) China, Harrison Forman looking at a map with Imperial Japanese Army soldiers.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1467-(1938) China, Harrison Forman and Japanese soldier standing in front of bombed blockhouse.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1468-(1938) China, Sun Yat-sen monument.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1469-(1938) China, Harrison Forman and Japanese soldier standing in front of bombed blockhouse.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo147-(1937) Shanghai (China), man on sidewalk holding birdcage.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1470-(1938) China, sign on stone wall.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1471-(1938) China, Harrison Forman looking at a map with Imperial Japanese Army soldiers.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1472-(1938) China, Harrison Forman with unidentified Chinese men.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1473-(1938) China, Harrison Forman with clergymen.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1474-(1938) China, Harrison Forman with women wearing Chinese and Japanese style dresses.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1475-(1938) China, Harrison Forman with Japanese military personnel and other men.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1476-(1938) China, Harrison Forman's companion with Japanese soldiers.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1477-(1938) China, Harrison Forman with unidentified Japanese officer and other men.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1478-(1938) China, Harrison Forman with unidentified Japanese officer and other men.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1479-(1938) China, Harrison Forman with Japanese military officer.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo148-(1937) Shanghai (China), vendors selling birds and birdcages.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1480-(1938) China, Harrison Forman shaking hands with woman in Japanese-style dress.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1481-(1938) China, Harrison Forman shaking hands with an unidentified Japanese official.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1482-(1938) China, Harrison Forman with Japanese military personnel and other men.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1483-(1938) China, Harrison Forman meeting with unidentified Japanese officials.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1484-(1938) China, clergymen and possibly Harrison Forman's interpreter.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1485-(1938) China, Japanese soldier and man standing in front of bombed blockhouse.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1486-(1938) China, Imperial Japanese Army officer, unidentified man and Harrison Forman.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1487-(1938) China, Japanese soldier looking at damaged bus.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1488-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1489-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo149-(1937) Shanghai (China), cisterns.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1490-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1491-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1492-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1493-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1494-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1495-(1938) China, group portrait of Japanese military personnel and other men.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1496-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1497-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1498-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1499-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo15-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), an inlfated sheepskin raft.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo150-(1937) Shanghai (China), uniformed man.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1500-(1938) China, people in Japanese-style dress walking past propaganda poster.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1501-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1502-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1503-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1504-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1505-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1506-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1507-(1938) China, one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1508-(1938) Henan province (China), aerial view of village and surrounding farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1509-(1938) Henan province (China), one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo151-(1937) Shanghai (China), vendors selling birds and birdcages.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1510-(1938) Kaifeng (China), members of the Chinese-Jewish community.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1511-(1938) China, Western man in suit watching boys dig ditches.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1512-(1938) Kaifeng (China), aerial view of Kaifeng Imperial Palace.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1513-(1938) Kaifeng (China), elderly member of Chinese-Jewish community.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1514-(1938) China, aerial view of an unidentified compound with buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1515-(1938) Kaifeng (China), members of the Chinese-Jewish community.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1516-(1938) China, underground entrance in front of building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1517-(1938) China, unidentified Japanese official.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1518-(1938) Kaifeng (China), members of the Chinese-Jewish community.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1519-(1938) China, plaque honoring W. H. Wiggs, Esq. donor of Trinity Church nave.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo152-(1937) Shanghai (China), cisterns.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1520-(1938) Kaifeng (China), Harrison Forman with companion and members of the Chinese-Jewish community.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1521-(1938) Kaifeng (China), Harrison Forman looking at the stele created by Kaifeng Jews.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1522-(1938) Kaifeng (China), Harrison Forman filming Jewish descendents.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1523-(1938) Kaifeng (China), Harrison Forman with companion and members of the Chinese-Jewish community.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1524-(1938) Nanjing (China), aerial view of city.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1525-(1938) Kaifeng (China), elderly members of Chinese-Jewish community.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1526-(1938) Kaifeng (China), sign on mission building indicating property of Great Britain.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1527-(1938) Kaifeng (China), Harrison Forman and Jewish descendents.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1528-(1938) Kaifeng (China), elderly member of Chinese-Jewish community.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1529-(1938) Kaifeng (China), stele created by Kaifeng Jews.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo153-(1937) Shanghai (China), men marching in street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1530-(1938) Kaifeng (China), elderly member of Chinese-Jewish community.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1531-(1938) Nanjing (China), aerial view of Nanjing Hospital.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1532-(1938) Xuzhou (China), French Catholic church.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1533-(1938) Nanjing (China), aerial view of unidentified building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1534-(1938) Xuzhou (China), Bishop Philip Cote with another Roman Catholic missionary.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1535-(1938) Xuzhou (China), Bishop Cote, Harrison Forman, and a French Roman Catholic missionary.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1536-(1938) Nanjing (China), Harrison Forman and Japanese officer in front of CNAC airport.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1537-(1938) Xuzhou (China), French Roman Catholic mission building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1538-(1938) Sian (China), aerial view of village and surrounding farmland.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1539-(1938) Xuzhou (China), French Roman Catholic mission building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo154-(1937) Shanghai (China), store selling birds and birdcages.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1540-(1938) Xuzhou (China), Harrison Forman and Bishop Philip Cote.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1541-(1938) Nanjing (China), aerial view of Nanjing Hospital.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1542-(1938) Xuzhou (China), French Roman Catholic mission building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1543-(1938) Xuzhou (China), Harrison Forman and Rev. Francis Brown watching women make food.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1544-(1938) Xuzhou (China), Harrison Forman with Bishop Cote and French Roman Catholic missionaries.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1545-(1938) Xuzhou (China), Rev. Francis Brown, Harrison Forman, and Henrietta Grier.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1546-(1938) Xuzhou (China), sign for Tungshan [Xuzhou] at train station.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1547-(1938) Xuzhou (China), Henrietta Grier, Harrison Forman, and Rev. Francis Brown.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1548-(1938) Xuzhou (China), relief workers serving food to refugees.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1549-(1938) Xuzhou (China), Harrison Forman and Rev. Francis Brown watching women make food.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo155-(1937) Shanghai (China), people pulling carts in front of decorated gate.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1550-(1938) Xuzhou (China), Rev. Francis Brown and relief workers serving food to refugees.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1551-(1938) Xuzhou (China), Rev. Francis Brown and relief workers serving food to refugees.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1552-(1938) Xuzhou (China), Harrison Forman and Bishop Philip Cote watching food being distributed to refugees.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1553-(1938) Xuzhou (China), woman making food for refugees at Xuzhou Hospital.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1554-(1938) Xuzhou (China), train and buildings in rail yard.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1555-(1938) Zhongmou (China), one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1556-(1938) Zhongmou (China), one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1557-(1938) Xuzhou (China), woman making food for refugees at Xuzhou Hospital.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1558-(1938) Zhongmou (China), one of several views of area flooded by the Yellow River.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1559-(1938) Xuzhou (China), woman making food for refugees at Xuzhou Hospital.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo156-(1937) Shanghai (China), uniformed man.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1560-(1938) Xuzhou (China), women making food for refugees at Xuzhou Hospital.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1561-(1938-04) Shanghai (China), wounded people riding in truck.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1562-(1940) Vietnam, women in conical hats walking past Bank of China entrance in Thành Ph? H? Chí Minh.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1563-(1940) Vietnam, Bank of China closure notice on door of bank in Hà N?i.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1564-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, men working on armed blockade runner in harbor.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1565-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, pedestrians and sedan chairs near Peak Tram in Victoria.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1566-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, men with mounted cannon on deck of Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1567-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, men working on Chinese junk docked in harbor.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1568-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, Harrison Forman being carried in sedan chair.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1569-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, man burning materials beneath junk, possibly waterproofing the hull.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo157-(1937) Shanghai (China), car parked in front of golf club building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1570-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, dry-docked Chinese junk being fitted with engine.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1571-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, man installing engine on Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1572-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, man drilling hole in hull of Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1573-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, men working on armed blockade runner in harbor.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1574-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, men installing gun in mount on deck of blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1575-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, Harrison Forman being carried in sedan chair.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1576-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, cannon mounted on deck of blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1577-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, cannon and engine parts on deck of blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1578-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, man installing engine on Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1579-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, Harrison Forman looking at multilingual warning sign.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo158-(1937) Shanghai (China), man standing in front of armored car.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1580-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, men installing gun on deck of Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1581-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, mounted cannon and engine on deck of Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1582-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, man installing engine on Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1583-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, boy using hand tools to caulk seams on deck of Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1584-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, man setting up deck-mounted gun on blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1585-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, close-up of cannon mounted on deck of blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1586-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, close-up of cannon mounted on deck of blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1587-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, girl applying caulk to hull of Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1588-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, close-up of cannon mounted on deck of blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1589-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, men working on Chinese junk docked in harbor.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo159-(1937) Shanghai (China), store selling birds and birdcages.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1590-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, man caulking seams and holes in hull of Chinese Junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1591-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, ship under construction in shipyard.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1592-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, Chinese junk to be outfitted with engine.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1593-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, men installing gun on deck of Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1594-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, portrait of newly married couple with crowd in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1595-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, boy working on machinery in shipyard.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1596-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, view of lightly armored blockade runner in harbor.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1597-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, close-up of cannon mounted on armored deck of blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1598-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, Harrison Forman receiving inoculation.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1599-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, men aboard lightly armored blockade runner in harbor.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo16-(1933 or 1934) Lanzhou (China), portrait of a man and an inflated sheepskin raft.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo160-(1937) Shanghai (China), man assisting refugees.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1600-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, men working on blockade runner docked in harbor.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1601-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, Harrison Forman and group watching new spouse write in notebook.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1602-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, close-up of lightly armored blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1603-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, mounted cannon on deck of Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1604-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, group portrait with newly married couple.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1605-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, cannon and engine parts on deck of blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1606-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, Harrison Forman receiving inoculation.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1607-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, Harrison Forman showing notebook to newly married couple.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1608-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, man standing in engine compartment of retrofitted Chinese junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1609-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, men caulking seams in hull of Chinese Junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo161-(1937) Shanghai (China), people and rickshaws on commercial street.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1610-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, detail of Chinese junk to be outfitted with engine.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1611-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, close-up of cannon mounted on deck of blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1612-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, steel shield and gun mount on deck of blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1613-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, dry-docked Chinese junk being fitted with engine.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1614-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, yard and buildings of Tak Lee steamship factory.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1615-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, Chinese junk with mounted cannon docked in harbor.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1616-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, man setting up deck-mounted gun on blockade runner.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1617-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, man caulking seams and holes in hull of Chinese Junk.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1618-(1940s or 1950s) Hong Kong, materials on deck of blockade runner under construction.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1619-(1941) Hong Kong (China), the Bank of East Asia building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo162-(1937) Shanghai (China), child by stream.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1620-(1941) Chongqing (China), people being carried up stairs in sedan chairs.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1621-(1941) Victoria (Hong Kong), Jordan Road vehicular ferry, Hong Kong.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1622-(1941) Victoria (Hong Kong), Jordan Road vehicular ferry, Hong Kong.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1623-(1941) Chongqing (China), Chinese poison gas victim being treated at military hospital.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1624-(1941) Hong Kong (China), air raid shelter under construction.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1625-(1941) Hong Kong (China), air raid shelters with buildings in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1626-(1941) Hong Kong (China), air raid shelter with residential buildings in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1627-(1941) Hong Kong (China), Associated Press reporter, Vaughn Meisling.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1628-(1941) Hong Kong (China), air raid shelters with buildings in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1629-(1941) Hong Kong (China), the Bank of East Asia building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo163-(1937) Shanghai (China), sampans.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1630-(1941) Chongqing (China), air raid wardens setting up rifles in a bombed building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1631-(1941) Chongqing (China), shops in a business district.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1632-(1941) Chongqing (China), bamboo bomb detonators on a building rooftop.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1633-(1941) Chongqing (China), a business district with bomb-damaged buildings.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1634-(1941) Hong Kong (China), Harrison Forman and unidentified man.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1635-(1941) Hong Kong (China), air raid shelters with buildings in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1636-(1941) Hong Kong (China), Associated Press reporter, Vaughn Meisling.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1637-(1941) Hong Kong (China), air raid shelter with residential buildings in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1638-(1941) Hong Kong (China), air raid shelters with buildings in background.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1639-(1941) Hong Kong (China), air raid shelter under construction.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo164-(1937) Shanghai (China), view of barricaded street from gun turret.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1640-(1941) Hong Kong (China), the Bank of East Asia building.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1641-(1941) Chongqing (China), the ruins of a building after a Japanese bombing raid.jpg
│ │ │ │   photo1642-(1941) Chongqing (China), makeshift shelters built after a Japanese bombing raid.jpg


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